Valley Improv

Improv Jam

Valley Improvisers all together

Valley Improv is hosting our second improv jam!

It will be on Saturday, April 26th, at 4pm at the West Lebanon Congregational Church. (See below for more information the location.)

Jams are a fun way to experience doing improv. We hope that anyone who wants to will get to perform, but it is fine to come and just watch.

Valley Improv in action

The jam will start with warm ups, followed by improv games where the improvisers are randomly assigned. (Of course, anyone can say no to anything they don't want to do.)

No experience or preparation is necessary. Just bring a willingness to collaborate, try new things, and have fun!

It’s helpful if you tell us about yourself before you arrive.

Valley Improvisers all together

If you want general information about Valley Improv, check out our main page.

If you’d like to see people doing the same style of improv that we do, check out some clips of Whose Line Is It Anyway.


West Lebanon Congregational Church

The jam will be on Saturday, April 26th, at 2pm, at the West Lebanon Congregational Church at 18 Maple Street, West Lebanon, NH.

When you arrive, there will be signs leading you to the jam.


It is helpful if you give us some information about yourself or just let us know that you’re coming using our contact form.

But if you haven’t gotten in touch, it’s still fine to come.
